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Old 27-07-2004, 06:36 AM
Heidi the Horrible
Posts: n/a
Default Help...renovating shade area

I plan to try to renovate the shady area of my lawn in late August. I'd
appreciate suggestions.

Here's the situation...I'm in a borderline Mason-Dixon climate where most
nothern grasses don't do well and turf-type tall fescue is the main
recommended grass. However, I have irrigation (plenty of free water) and
have considered bluegrass or other finer fescues.

My soil seems too compacted and poor in some spots. The current grass is
ok...just too thin. Weeds are only about 1%. Perhaps I should get my
biggest tree thinned out a bit for it's health and to get more light on the

I would love help getting a plan of action together.
