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Old 26-07-2004, 05:03 PM
Phil L
Posts: n/a
Default Wild wild rocket

Mike Lyle wrote:
:: "Phil L" wrote in message
:: ...
::: Mike Lyle wrote:
::::: If I get it wrong when using my field guide to identify wild
::::: rocket (actually, in my Collins FG, 'Hedge mustard' is what
::::: they call Sisymbrium officinale, which in turn is what the
::::: Internet seems to call 'wild rocket'), eating the wrong close
::::: relative won't do me any harm, will it?
::::: Mike.
::: Lots of plants have very potent toxins in them...TBH, I wouldn't
::: take the risk unless you are *positive* that what you are getting
::: is the actual plant you are looking for - many 'similar' looking
::: plants are in fact deadly! this link has many photographs of
::: Sisymbrium officinale, whether this *is* wild rocket, I do not
::: know!
::: HTH
:: Thanks; I've been there, though. And, no, I don't take these risks,
:: being a fully paid-up member of the Amalgamated Union of Craven
:: Cowards and Allied Trades.
welcome to the club!

:: Can we narrow it down a bit? I'm confident of my ability to
:: identify a
:: cabbagey-mustardy crucifer in the field, but not necessarily
:: certain
:: of the species. Are there any of these which would be toxic in
:: normal
:: salad use?
:: The HMSO _British Poisonous Plants_ is written from a vet point of
:: view, and puts several crucifers in the frame; but they don't seem
:: to
:: have killed stock except when mature plants had been eaten in large
:: quantities. (Pigs were killed by only two ounces or so of
:: horseradish
:: root: but just _smelling_ that much horseradish might kill me!)
:: Even
:: rape, whose seedlings we eat without ill effect as a salading, is
:: only
:: to be trusted for cattle under certain conditions.

This is the crux of the problem, it seems that most of these instances of
toxicity are only recorded WRT cattle, horses etc etc- this doesn't always
apply to humans though...certain plants which are highly toxic to one
species are harmless and even beneficial to another....the short answer is
'I do not know', but safe to say that while none of them are likely to kill
you, the worst you could expect is stomach ache if you do happen upon 'a bad
one' - personally, I wouldn't take a risk, but it's up to you.