Kay wrote:
:: In article , Phil
:: L writes
::: Mike Lyle wrote:
::::: If I get it wrong when using my field guide to identify wild
::::: rocket (actually, in my Collins FG, 'Hedge mustard' is what
::::: they call Sisymbrium officinale, which in turn is what the
::::: Internet seems to call 'wild rocket'), eating the wrong close
::::: relative won't do me any harm, will it?
::::: Mike.
::: Lots of plants have very potent toxins in them...TBH, I wouldn't
::: take the risk unless you are *positive* that what you are getting
::: is the actual plant you are looking for - many 'similar' looking
::: plants are in fact deadly!
:: Which are you thinking of? I'd always thought of the Cruciferae as
:: one of the less hazardous families - though I'd not recommend the
:: OP to experiment as I'm not 100% sure on this point.
some types of mustard are toxic, at least the seeds and pods, although not
deadly, a severe case of gastroenteritis will follow their consumption.
There are also many hedgerow plants which are easily mistaken for herbs...as
nearly all plants have some effect on the human body, it's definately not
safe to pick those that 'resemble' safe ones.