"Ray" wrote in message
"Michael Saunby" wrote in message
"Jack Harrison" wrote in message
.. .
"Nick Maclaren" wrote in message
A hearty well done to Animal Aid and co for their efforts in
people on the abuse of animals.
So I take it if you need medical treatment that involves drugs, you
refuse on the basis that life saving drugs might have been tested on
Might? So which prescribed drugs have not been tested on animals?
household cleaning products, etc. have not been safety tested on
Surely the answer is as close to none as makes no difference.
Do you ever take medication of any sort? If so, then the word
spring to mind.
ARist, hypocrite, same difference.
Michael Saunby.
Vivisectionists, researchers, scientists call them what you will, they
all a bunch of "cowards" who abuse animals for a salary.
OTH. Michael Saunby is the only person who admits, in open forum, that he
abuses animals for pleasure.
What can you call this kind of person?
Another victim of the AR lie machine? See
http://www.vare.org.uk for other
examples of the way AR extremists such as Ray use lies and the threat of
lies to terrorise decent honest people who refuse to accept the dishonest
propaganda ARists.
It speaks volumes to learn that you support actions like this - ref :
Last week the man, who wishes to remain anonymous, received a note headed:
"A serious warning from Animal Rights Activists."
It said: "If the company does not stop building the animal laboratory at
Oxford within one week a letter about you will mailed to hundreds of your
neighbours. This letter will make several allegations about your personal
life. It will also contain a forged criminal record showing a string of
sexual offences committed by yourself throughout your adult life."
Seems that UK AR activist standards of honesty and decency are no better in
their dealings outwith Usenet. Why doesn't that surprise me? The sooner
the lot of you are locked up the better!
Michael Saunby