A hearty well done to Animal Aid and co for their efforts in educating
people on the abuse of animals.
full story on their website.
Oxford builders back out
Statement in response to the announcement by Montpellier that it is
giving up work on the proposed Oxford animal research centre
Animal Aid welcomes the news that Montpellier, the building company
contracted to construct a new animal research laboratory at Oxford
University, has pulled out of the project. We only wish its decision
had been driven by a realisation that the proposed centre will cause
immense suffering to a large number of animals, while producing no
medical benefits for people.
Animal Aid is thoroughly committed to non-violent, non-intimidatory
campaigning, as are the vast majority of animal rights advocates. The
broad commitment to non-violence is made evident by our deep disgust
at the kind of Home Office-sanctioned cruelty that takes place in
animal labs, such as those proposed for Oxford. That animals are
deliberately poisoned, surgically mutilated, deprived of food and
water is bad enough. That such torments are claimed to point the way
towards cures for human diseases is a primitive and vicious falsehood.
For background information on animal experiments see Killing animals
and humans and our 2002 report, Bred to Suffer: animals as models of
human disease.
More and more scientists are beginning to question the validity of
animal experiments - but these same individuals are reluctant to 'come
out', for fear of the impact this would have on their career
prospects. Quite simply, animal experiments have become an ingrained
habit, with scientific careers and reputations established on the back
of them.
Some early media reports suggested that no experiments would take
place at the new Oxford University unit - it would be for housing
animals only. But this attempt at misinformation was exposed by
careful scrutiny of the plans submitted to the local authority. Oxford
needs, in future, to deal straight with the public. Moreover, it needs
to abandon its fixation on the 'animal model' and commit itself to
modern, human-centred scientific methods of research.
Andrew Tyler
Director, Animal Aid
Notes to Editors
For further information contact Andrew Tyler on 01732 364546.
We have an ISDN line for broadcast quality interviews.
Join Animal Aid in the campaign against animal experiments - send for
a free vivisection action pack today.
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promotes a cruelty-free lifestyle. You can support our work by
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