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Old 22-07-2004, 12:27 AM
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Default Allotment cash crop advice

"Rich" wrote in message
Hi, My allotment is probably twice or 3 time more that I need to feed my
family, or even just keep weed free.

Next year I was thinking of setting half to a very low maintainance cash

Any ideas what this should be ?

Go to a couple of your local car boot sales and see the produce on sale
there. If you're lucky the vendors will tell you how it's going, and you
should get an idea of demand. Fruit may be a good idea, considering the
prices of punnets of soft fruit at supermarkets.

The previous occupant of my allotment was an old boy living on his own, and
he used to grow far too much for himself, and used to take the excess down
to the pub in exchange for his beer. I never met him, but I hear he was
drunk most nights at this time of year.
