first post fish
"lrpiam" wrote in message
Greetings fellow ponders, this is my first post. My wife and i are in
our second year with our pond that I dug and constructed using a
rubber liner and Purifalls filter and a regular submersible pump. It
is kidney shaped, with it's dimensions being 7'x7'x10'x 18" deep. In
the pond we have 3 shebunkin, 2 goldfish( recently lost a 3rd to a
coon or a bird) and a catfish. Yesterday my wife discovered 2 baby
fish swimming about , 1 appears to be a shebunkin the other appears to
be a goldfish. Now for the questions as I learned a little about the
birds and bees, but not very much about fish.
1) will he babys be eaten by the other fish?
Yes, when very small unless they have some place where they can hide, such as
rocks or plants.
2) if so, how can we protect them
3) do these fish live bear or are they hatched outside?
They are egg layers, I think.
4) can the 2 fish be cross breeds or are they from seperate births?
thanks for your replies
I would say that they are probably from separate births. You can tell the males
from the female adults like this: When viewing the fish from above, the females
will appear fat, while the males will appear slender. Send us a link to some