Merit Insecticide Question
"William W. Plummer" wrote:
Peter wrote:
I spread a 14 pound bag of Bayer Merit granulated on my yard last
night, and watered the lawn afterward with between 0.25 and 0.5 inches
of water to wash it in. I'm attempting to kill Japanese beetle grubs -
have had a bad problem for the last tow years. I applied the Merit at a
heavier rate than recommended. The recommended rate is 2.8 lbs/1000, I
used 3.8 lbs/1000. My soil is clay and perculates a little slow.
Tonight we had a heavy thunderstorm and heavy rain. We got about 1
inch of rain in about 15 minutes.
My question is; did all of my Merit wash away? Should I reapply?
It doesn't matter. The grubs have become Japanese beetles and are
flying around now. Reapply before July 4 next year.
Heh, what do you think those beetles are doing when they're not
feeding?... That's right, laying eggs for the next generation.
The Merit will protect Peter's lawn from grub damage this fall
and consequently next spring too.
I really doubt it has washed away, Peter. It clings to organic
material real well.