Steveo Spanked Again - Was: rat does the tard dance...again
On 08 Jul 2004 11:11:20 GMT, Steveo
transparently proposed:
Aratzio wrote:
Hope you don't mind about the restore, I like continuity when I spank
my pet lamers.
So why don't we xpost to a few of your favorite groups there steve so
people can really get to know the truly lame side of steveo the poser.
Aww isn't that special..I have a pet rat following me. Get a job and
do something productive with your life, rodent.
Stevey my little spanktard, you just keep getting lamer and lamer. No
wonder you feel a need to defend the 'Tard. You get any lamer and you
will replace the 'Tard the lamest neuron challenged poser on usenet.
So now you are claiming I am following you around? Gee, who was it
started this thread? Was not me, but then you probably overheated your
two working brain cells just coming up with that oh so *original*
response, so it dropped out of what little mental storage you have.
So you never did tell us (TINU), does your ass still hurt from your
last spanking? Did you ever find out that information you were
demanding from the NSP? You know the internal information you were
sure they just had to give you because your ISP might be signing on as
a customer. How many times did you have to be told it was private
internal info and they would not tell you? Seem to remember at least
10 or 15 times. Then you got in a childish snit called everyone *mean
names* and went off and to sulk somewhere else.
You are not very good at this, especially when I spank your ass
around. I would advise you try people of your own two digit IQ level
but there are so few on usenet that I am sure you would have a
difficult time finding them.
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?