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Old 06-07-2004, 01:02 AM
Jim Lewis
Posts: n/a
Default [IBC] Moving to San Gabriel Mountains Outside LA from zone 6-7 NEW YORK C...

What about placing the roots of the larch in a large icebox for
2 to 3
months and regulate the temperature around 32 degrees. Has

anyone on
the list ever air conditioned a greenhouse would that work?

The larch i collected about 10 years ago and am very very

attached to
it. Its an amazing twin trunk larch and i don't want to let

it go.

Well, based on history, I'm wondering if you'll take the advice
because it is something you don't want to hear, but Larch is
unlikely to survive in zone 8 and has no chance at all in zone 9.
Give it to someone who will take care of it and care for it as
much as you do! Retain visitation rights.

If you "don't want to let it go" you are likely to end up with a
heartwarming skeleton -- or a tree drying out by the side of the
road on The California-Nevada (or Arizona) border when the plant
inspectors find it -- and others. Get an equally-as-"amazing"
bristlecone pine or redwood or coast live oak or . . . something
that is native to the area and likely to live.

Jim Lewis - - Tallahassee, FL - Only where
people have learned to appreciate and cherish the landscape and
its living cover will they treat it with the care and respect it
should have - Paul Bigelow Sears.

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