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Old 01-07-2004, 01:13 AM
Nick Maclaren
Posts: n/a
Default protecting newly planted sycamore from insect attackpest

In article m,
topcat wrote:

I planted a young sycamore (about 8 feet tall) about a week ago and
have noticed what looks very like ants attacking the leaves - and they
have made quite a few holes already.

I'm very concerned this is going to seriously affect the tree before it
has even got started ! Maybe even kill it.

Firstly, DON'T PANIC. Killing a sycamore is quite hard work.

Secondly, the ants are harmless and irrelevant.

The answer is that they are milking aphids for their honeydew.
Getting rid of the aphids may be worthwhile, and the ants will
then go elsewhere. Persecuting the ants will do nothing useful.

Try spraying both sides of the leaves with a strongish washing
up solution of washing up liquid or (better) horticultural soft
soap (e.g. Savona). If your garden centre doesn't have the latter,
the former is nearly as good. You need only a cheap 1-2 litre
hand sprayer, and those liquids will do you no harm if you soak
yourself as well as the tree. Actually, a cheap shampoo would
do equally well :-)

Nick Maclaren.