What did ponds do for the billions of years before anyone thought to
keep an opening in it? Fish are designed to survive the winter.
On Mon, 27 Jan 2003 14:43:09 -0700, "Howard"
(remove XYZ) wrote:
Many people use cheap aquarium pumps to keep a small area
of the pond open during the winter. It is said that this allows
unwanted/harmfull gasses to escape from the pond.
"Bill Marcy" wrote in message
.. .
You do not want to keep a hole open using a bubbler, that will cause
the temperature of the water to plummet, much below freezing. Your
fish are ok during the winter, they can handle water that is 32
degrees, but not water that drops belore 10 degrees.
On Mon, 27 Jan 2003 15:20:02 -0500, "D Kat"
I don't suppose you have a link with instructions to the pond
Both of my water heaters (type for keeping outdoor watering hole open)
and I'm fighting a losing battle trying to keep a hole in the ice open.
cannot find an outdoor airbubbler (or whatever they are called) and I'm
looking for a temp fix until I do. It is really cold of late on Long
and pouring boiling water to open up the ice just doesn't make it with
"MsNick1" wrote in message
Hi Pete,
I believe it's me you are trying to reach.
Christine and
Sadie, dalmatian,
Kahlua and her kids, Chip & Skye (chocolate labs),
Pete & Bones the Cats,
Bandit the parrot,
and the Reptile Critters!