Hedgehogs info please
On Mon, 28 Jun 2004 17:07:10 +0100, Sacha
On 28/6/04 4:16 pm, in article ,
"Spider" wrote:
Last year's mum may have been hit by a car while out foraging. The babies
would have died of starvation. If a fox had been involved, it would
probably have returned for the babies.
You could help this year's mother by putting out cat food and fresh water,
so that she can replenish her energy without foraging too far away from the
nest. You can *definitely* help her by not using slug pellets.
When we put out cat food for a hedgehog, a fox ate it (the cat food, I
mean!). So probably don't put it too close to her nest!
Put in a brick/slab tunnel or something to limit access. Though we
also feed our dear South London foxes, you do need to ensure fair
shares all round.