Thread: Kill Clover!
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Old 28-06-2004, 01:04 AM
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Default Kill Clover!

Heidi the Horrible wrote:

"William W. Plummer" wrote in message

"Usenet User" wrote in message


The clover is flourishing in my yard, particularly backyard. I used
to be able to control them with Scott Plus 2 (early spring and late
fall). However, this time it did not seem work. I also sprayed with
those 1 gallon B-Gon (sp?) and it made the clover cover yellowish, but
not dead.

Is there anything I can buy that will kill that weed? Or I'd better
call some landscapers?

I am in Maryland, BTW.

Funny about clover. About 50 years ago, clover was purposely added to
lawns. It spread easly, was green, and looked fine. I can remember my Dad
agonizing about how much white clover to add to the grass seed he was
buying. Then we invented broad-leaf weed killers, and clover was killed.
Now we think of clover as an evil weed.

I have a nice lawn with plenty of clover. I choose to let it thrive.
Clover is a weed I can live with.

Of course, it kind of trashes the look of a perfectly manicured fescue or
bermuda lawn...