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Old 25-06-2004, 12:06 AM
Kenni Judd
Posts: n/a
Default FYI: Govt push to trade rare orchids

The original poster should correct me if I'm mistaken, but I think the
message got scrambled and should have read "hybrid orchids, jade and crown
of thorns." Considering that CITES is the Convention on International Trade
of Endangered _Species_, I've always been puzzled to see it having any
application to hybrids, at all ... I can see extending it to natural
hybrids, although it would seem to me that this really should require some
kind of action analogous to the old US Supreme Court case declaring tomatoes
to be vegetables, rather than fruits. G But, I'm not among the "powers
that be" ...

Kenni Judd
Juno Beach Orchids

"Rob Halgren" wrote in message
Reka wrote:

Govt push to trade rare orchids

The Nation, Bangkok's Independent Newspaper
Published on Jun 24, 2004

Thailand will ask the international wildlife secretariat to pull hybrid,

jade and crown of thorns orchids from its list of species
under controlled trade, a senior official said yesterday.

So, I'm not familiar with Thai common names. What is a 'jade' or
'crown of thorn' orchid? Problem with common names is that they are
so.... common. I might think crown of thorns was some sort of
euphorbia, and jade a succulent in the crassulacea group, neither of
which are orchids (but both of which I might easily presume to be on
CITES appendix two).



Rob's Rules:
1) There is always room for one more orchid
2) There is always room for two more orchids
2a. See rule 1
3) When one has insufficient credit to purchase
more orchids, obtain more credit
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