division: $75
Wylee! There's a division on your site for $20!! Is it still available? from November 2003, but maybe! 3.5" pot, $22.50
Good luck! I have Angel Heart (Puppy Love x C. Penny Kuroda) which I love dearly.
This is LIFE! It's not a rehearsal. Don't miss it!
"LESLIE HANSON" schrieb im Newsbeitrag ...
I'm getting back in to orchid growing following my 7 years in the Arizona
desert. One of my all-time favorites is "Puppy Love". I have found it
online but in small 2" pots. My original plant was bought at Stewart's in
California when it came out. It was a great grower and had multible leads.
Bloomtime was spectacular! I miss it!
Does anyone know of a source for blooming size plants or have an extra or
division they would be willing to share?
Thanks in advance,
Garland Hanson
Midlothian, VA
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