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Old 14-06-2004, 05:02 PM
Chet Hayes
Posts: n/a
Default Help, weed name? Best weed killer?

"Lost-In-Translation" wrote in message
Looks like Colorado Wild Sage. If you break some off and rub it betwee your
fingers it will smell a bit like sage also if that's what it is. If memory
serves, this is a flowering variety that doesn't look half bad really. The
best way to get rid of it is to dig/pull it out root and all because that
stuff grows like crabgrass!

For herbicide, Weed-B-Gone will take care of it, but it will take a couple
of applications and you won't notice any difference for a week to ten days.
WBG should not be used around new plants, as it WILL harm them, but will
not harm your yard. Just get the right kind for lawns. I mix it in a
Miracle Grow sprayer.

For a driveway, it doesn't matter what kind of weed it is. Just use
Triox, which will not only kill it, but keep anything else from
growing for an entire season. The only limitation is, you can't apply
Triox over the root zone of any desirable plants.