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Old 11-06-2004, 10:40 AM
Jaques d'Alltrades
Posts: n/a
Default Rhubarb under-performing

The message
from "Rod (@The Garden)" contains these words:

My pal Frank has a problem with his rhubarb. For over 10 years they have
been performing well but now the stalks only grow between 3 to 8 inches tall
and about a quarter of an inch thick. Any advice welcome.

When they die down at the end of the year, dig a deep hole somewhere
where you'd like the next stand to be. Four feet deep by two feet square
is recommended by the pundits, but my three-foot deep effort produced
gigantic stalks. (And leaves.)

Put in old bones, soil, well-rotted manure, more bones, old woollies,
old leather, and then top-up with a mixture of soil and manure so that
you're left with a mound.

Dig up old crown and cut the new roots from the outside, and discard the

Plant only the new outside scions, one per hole, or give the remainer
away, or keep it for forcing in the spring.

On no account pull a single stick of your new crown! Not even one! (You
should have plenty anyway if you just plant the excess scions and
discard them next autumn.)

Open the creaking gate to make a horrid.squeak, then lower the foobar.