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Old 11-06-2004, 12:54 AM
Sarah Dale
Posts: n/a
Default late crop growth compared with last year

jane wrote:

Here's a discussion for those of you with allotments. Everything this
year seems to be weeks behind last year. At our annual inspection last

Hi Jane,

I'm certainly later this year than last. We had a very cold February / March
so I didn't do my seeds until early April.

My strawberries aren't ripening yet! Well - one single berry is half pale
red this evening! I'll expect they'll ripen in the next week or so - but
one or 2 weeks later than last year.

Garlic is there or thereabouts normal - perhaps a bit on the weany side.

Peas are only 3ft tall, sweetcorn about 6-8 inches and only planted last
weekend, along with summer/autumn cropping cauli / broccili.

Looks like we have a bumper loganberry crop to come - its covered in fruit!

Sarah (N. Wales)