Thread: Rosa rugosa
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Old 09-06-2004, 04:43 PM
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Default Rosa rugosa

"Rodger Whitlock" replied:

What I wonder about is why your friend moved into a place with a
no-fence rule, presumably well aware of it, and then immediately
sets to work to circumvent it? It's like someone buying property
next to a farm for the amenity value (oooh, see the cowsies!) and
then whining about the smell of manure.

As all the neighbouring houses have an assortment of bushes and trees
in their front gardens, my friend was not aware and indeed not told of the
no-fence rule prior to moving in. Quite a few also have white painted,
low ranch style fencing.
Instead of sending a 'smart Alec' reply to my posting, you could have had
the courtesy to suggest alternative plants.
