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Old 09-06-2004, 02:51 PM
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Default We got tadpoles in our new pond! (considering Koi)

Koi like clay. I add some bentonite clay to my pond to give the koi a
facial. As for depth, most of the ponds in the Richmond VA area are less
than 2 feet deep and that is more than adequate. Just be sure to keep a
hole open in the surface during the winter, and not let the pond completely
freeze over for more than a day.
"Gareee©" wrote in message
Yeah! We really didn't considered getting Koi or fish, because of all the
details you guys mention in keeping a pond balanced for life. Maybe we can
reconsider now? Our biggest issue, is that we are on a hill, and clay

manages to run in slightly during heavy rain storms. Will this harm fish?

The water is clear, but there is a fine settling of clay/dirt on the pond
bottom, and sides.

The water depth is a tad over 3 ft at it's deepest, and maybe 2 feet at

shallowest, and about 12x12.

We live in Waynesville NC.. would that be deep enough for Koi wintering?

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