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Old 03-06-2004, 01:11 AM
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Default What insects will eat greenfly?

"Victoria Clare" wrote in message
"Tumbleweed" wrote in

I don't know of any detailed tests. Do you? So far, we seem to be
working with anecdotal evidence on both sides of the discussion.

tests for what? Its a fact that greenfly populations are not
controlled by predators. Thet grow, thrive and survive untol the cold
weather comes.

And your source is? I'm not being awkward, I want to know! How do you
know for a fact that greenfly populations are not controlled by

3 years of studying ecology at university. And I cant say I did greenfly in
particular, but its to do with the mathematics of how fast they grow
compared to their predators. They simpy outbreed them.

A variety of factors makes the difference. randomness for one, nature
is like that. next year I might not have any and you might have lots .
Also, do you spray with water or soap or pinch them off when you see
them? I dont, maybe I should, as killing one greenfly at the start
will prevent a huge number a few weeks later. But is that ecological?
is killing them by a different means any better?

No, I don't usually bother here (I did in Cheshire or things went
crispy!). But why would human 'predation' make a difference if bird
predation doesn't?

because the human one might kill the first ones, the ones that gives rise to
the thousands on a plant. The birds presumably arent going to bother until
there is a large jucy amount of them as it woudnt be energy efficient just
to look for single greenfly. THough I've never seen any of the small birds
in my garden eating greenfly. Lost of other insects but not greenfly. Too
small to botherwith?

Most of the plants I'm growing now, I was also growing in cheshire.

Plants that were severely affected by aphids in Cheshire include rose
'LD Braithwaite' & 'New Dawn', and several varieties of honeysuckle.
None are afflicted with more than the odd bug here.

Basil was a problem at both locations, but then I grow it on the
windowsill inside.

Here, cherry trees seem less prone to blackfly, though it is still an

Interesting, I get none on mine. But no cherries either, the birds have
those :-(



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