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Old 02-06-2004, 06:35 PM
Victoria Clare
Posts: n/a
Default What insects will eat greenfly?

"Tumbleweed" wrote in

I don't know of any detailed tests. Do you? So far, we seem to be
working with anecdotal evidence on both sides of the discussion.

tests for what? Its a fact that greenfly populations are not
controlled by predators. Thet grow, thrive and survive untol the cold
weather comes.

And your source is? I'm not being awkward, I want to know! How do you
know for a fact that greenfly populations are not controlled by

A variety of factors makes the difference. randomness for one, nature
is like that. next year I might not have any and you might have lots .
Also, do you spray with water or soap or pinch them off when you see
them? I dont, maybe I should, as killing one greenfly at the start
will prevent a huge number a few weeks later. But is that ecological?
is killing them by a different means any better?

No, I don't usually bother here (I did in Cheshire or things went
crispy!). But why would human 'predation' make a difference if bird
predation doesn't?

Most of the plants I'm growing now, I was also growing in cheshire.

Plants that were severely affected by aphids in Cheshire include rose
'LD Braithwaite' & 'New Dawn', and several varieties of honeysuckle.
None are afflicted with more than the odd bug here.

Basil was a problem at both locations, but then I grow it on the
windowsill inside.

Here, cherry trees seem less prone to blackfly, though it is still an

gardening on a north-facing hill
in South-East Cornwall