Thread: Roses..?
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Old 01-06-2004, 02:10 AM
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Default Roses..?

"MK" wrote in message

If I wanted to take some rose clippings to start off some new plants what

I need to do?

Many thanks


We-e--e-ll!. You can stick cuttings in and they'll be successfull but the
plant then tends to go a bit daft.
Take some inch to a foot cuttings in autumn from the field hedges dog roses,
( rose canina or summat.)
Stick 'em in in rows or bunched for half their length and ignore them until
late spring
Then go to a successful rose and carve a new bud out. Remove the pith. On
the rootstock (still in situ)
cut a "T" lengthwise about an inch long on the side and then peel back the
soft bark with the top edge lips open. Now slide the new bud down the slot
with the bud pointing outward and upward. Cut off the
surplus overlapping at the top and gently bind the peel together with some
raffia or soft string and leave it. Next year it will start flowering so at
the autumn backend carefully dig it up and pot it or put it in situ.
Ma-am! I give you good advice! -- Don't bother!. Just ration Himself's
single malts money for a few days or just two days if he fancies Lager..
That usually covers most eventualities.
In autumn go to a good garden centre and select your potted favourite names
and colours and scents. That way you'll get flowers next season, - the roots
will consolidate all through the winter.
If money runs out just give Himself, - next dinnertime, - apple pie without
double cream on it.
He'll not like it but nemmind , eh?. He knows deep down which side his
bread's buttered on!. He'll soon cough up!
(I have had long experience in these matters!).
Good Luck!