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Old 30-05-2004, 12:18 AM
Janet Baraclough..
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Default Beeb Chelsea coverage

The message
from "RichardS" noaccess@invalid contains these words:

I was kind of cautious about including the 'real' gardeners thing - I
realise that there are many, many very keen & able recreational gardeners
and professionals alike that go to Chelsea and find it a thoroughly
worthwhile visit, so not having been I'd certainly not have the cheek to
knock it. I think that what I was enquiring about is the sentiment that
appears to have been implied that "Chelsea may be the premier show, but the
cognescenti reckon HC has the edge"... I'll stop here in case I'm digging a
hole for myself that I really didn't intend to dig!

Chelsea is wonderful, but the site is so small that the crowd pressure
nowadays makes it intolerable imho. I've stopped going to it because of
that. Hampton Court is a far larger, more gracious, beautiful and
practical venue. I've attended both in the company of an elderly aunt;
the last time I took her to Chelsea it was just too much for her, it was
very difficult to find her somewhere quiet to sit down (other than on
the ground, and it's even hard to find space for that) and getting a
drink means long queues. Hampton was much more relaxed, spacious, plenty
of pleasant R and R areas and more convenient catering outlets. She
enjoyed it far more.

Chelsea possibly has the edge horticulturally in tems of show gardens
(except these days you can barely see them through the jam-packed
hordes), but virtually all the trade exhibitors also go to HC so you'll
see all the best plants, garden gizmos, show gardens, AND be able to
choose from a zillion plants to buy on the spot,park in a plant creche
then take home that day. No plants for sale on the spot at Chelsea
(except at the last day last hour closing scrum; only suitable for the
fit and hardy :-)
