Thread: Chokos
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Old 19-05-2004, 03:08 AM
John Savage
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Default Chokos

"Cristian Croitoru" writes:
Can you tell us how to use the chokos?
What dishes are used in?
I have seen them at the veggie shop but I have no idea what are for and the
shop keeper could not enlighten me either..

Ah, woe! Almost all chokos sold in supermarkets are far too old and
tough; they are good for little else except planting! I don't know why
growers leave them on the vine until they are well past their prime.
You will be disappointed if you try to cook most of the ones on sale.

Not to give up hope, but if you pick them over you might find one or
two that don't have any sign of a shoot poking out at the thick end,
and you can try cooking those. It is best to grow your own, or get some
from a neighbour, so you can pick them while they are young and tender,
about half the size they would reach if left to reach old age.

Quite bland by themselves, a bit of pepper will perk up a steamed choko.
But my favourite is pan roasted, cooked in the fat from roast beef until
the choko is nicely just browned, and eaten with gravy and a sprinkling of
salt. Can I make this emoticon do double duty as mouth-watering? :-b
John Savage (news address invalid; keep news replies in newsgroup)