Thread: Bees...
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Old 18-05-2004, 11:12 PM
Lazarus Cooke
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Default Bees...

In article , len gardener

g'day red devil,

after reading the other responses, if you realy want to coax them to
leave you could try smoking them out this works with most of the bee
family, then block off any entrences that they may use to come back

Actually bees (honeybees that is) have an odd reaction to smoke. They
rush to their stores and gorge themselves on honey, fearing that they
may have to survive a catastrophic forest fire. this makes them placid,
and easy to handle, rather than chasing them away. And that's why
beekeepers use smoke guns.

I would indeed suggest contacting a local beekeeper. I'm a fairly
inexperienced one myself, but I find the experienced ones (who may know
about bumble bees) very helpful. Your local fire brigade may well have
a phone number.


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