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Old 17-05-2004, 07:11 AM
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Default White tail spider bite ulceration and necrotic lesions

Rod Out back wrote:

It begs the question that if you were able to,. to get a WT to bite a number
of people, and see how many get the necrotic reaction. Not likely to get
many applicant for the test, though...

Close enough to the MJA study. In this prospective study, 130 people
with a definitely-IDed white tail bite were identified and followed. Not
one developed a necrotic ulcer. The conclusion? " Bites by Lampona spp.
cause minor effects in most cases, or a persistent painful red lesion in
almost half the cases. White-tail spider bites are very unlikely to
cause necrotic ulcers, and other diagnoses must be sought."

Another study followed 750 definite spider bites in Australia (various
different spiders), and again zero necrotic ulcers were identified.

If necrotising arachnidism does exist in Australia, it is much, much
rarer than a lot of people seem to think.
