Crocosmia - a record?
"Robert" wrote in message
"andrewpreece" wrote in message
: I have bitten the bullet and dived into the overgrown corners of my
: and started turfing out the spanish bluebells, where I also found clumps
: Crocosmia which were very congested and hardly flowering at all. After
: digging up the clumps I find that the oldest ones have 17 corms stacked
: on top of the other. Presuming these are laid down annually that's 17
: summers without clumps being touched! No wonder they didn't flower well.
: The books recommend no more than three years betwen dividing clumps.
: I've knocked off the excess corms and replanted but I imagine that I'll
: get a display this year, it being rather late to do this kind of thing.
: Andy.
Replanted them !!!! Some of us spend time trying to get rid of them and
replant them lol. Only joking, well partly anyway, they get everywhere and
won't stay put
Too true. In our tiny front garden, every year as they finish flowering, I
grab the foliage and pull it ALL out, mostly comes out with bulbs, but
enough stay in to flower the next year, and this way they don't get too
rampant. And if I did kill them off, I'm sure some of the neighbours would
be glad to let me have some of theirs :-))