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Old 06-05-2004, 11:13 AM
Nick Maclaren
Posts: n/a
Default Where are you, those who grow asparagus? Was Asparagus - a weed?

In article ,
Christopher Norton writes:
| The message
| from gary davis contains these words:
| I about everyone who grows asparagus tell us your location.
| That would be interesting, to me at least.
| My asparagus grows 49th parallel, 123 latitude. Temperature range -10 to
| 30 C . Usually rains a lot in winter, can be either rain in summer or
| dry...depends on the year.
| Gary
| Fort Langley, BC
| Canada

I think you mean longitude! 123 degrees of latitude is a place where
reindeer fly up to crop the moss on the clouds :-)

| Boston, Lincs, England (note NOT great britain)
| Aspargus growing in the reclaimed land around here. Seriously increased
| drainage in the bed.

Cambridge, England. 52 north. 60% sand, 18% silt and 22% clay.
Until the recent very wet years, it was a self-seeding weed.

The key isn't so much the location as the soil.

Nick Maclaren.