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Old 02-05-2004, 09:02 PM
Tyra Trevellyn
Posts: n/a
Default Artemisia 'Powis Castle' - late or late?

From: oway (Tyra Trevellyn)
Date: Fri, Apr 30, 2004 7:49 PM

(Sorry, think this posted a second ago....hit button too soon.)

Last year I planted a single Artemisia 'Powis Castle,' which did quite well
a first-year plant. I pruned back the old leafy stems a few weeks back,
leaving a woody, shrubby base, about a foot tall, somewhat branched. There's
no sign of new growth, however, but fingernail scrapes at the base near
soil line show green. Is this variety of artemisia normally late to leaf
(From what I understand, it doesn't send out runners forming new plants,
some artemisia species.)

I've never grown it before last year, but artemisia seems to show up early
me here. The weather's been mild and pretty much spring-like for the past
weeks or more, the ground's been unfrozen for at least a month, and just
every else is showing normal signs of renewal.

Thanks for any ideas....
nNJ usa z7

Thanks to David R, David B, and Victoria for words of hope and patience. :-)
Like I said, other artemisias I've grown have appeared early enough in
spring.....but what I didn't say is that they rarely last more than two seasons
or so. The only truly reliably returning and thriving artemisia species I have
is A. dracunculus (French Tarragon).

I'll still keep up some optimism for 'Powis Castle,' though, and in the
meantime I'll take heart from the heavily germinating wormwood I started a
coupla weeks ago from a seed packet. Speaking of which, I also started
Artemisia annua .... Sweet Annie....from seed at the same time, and don't see
more than a couple of seedlings....any experience with this?

nNJ usa z7