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Old 29-04-2004, 12:14 AM
kevin bailey
Posts: n/a
Default [IBC] Beer is the Answer: Was [IBC] SLUGS!

"Open cans of beer with a can opener and insert them into the ground
such that they are flush with the surface or turf. Slugs, apparently,
like to indulge to the point of self- destruction."

Much too wastefull of good beer. Ask at shops that sell beer in cans for
ones that have been damaged. They give them away. Also, in the UK at
least, ask in bars for slops - the left overs in the drip trays beneath
the beer taps. Another option, my favoured, is to brew your own and use
the dregs from the barrel. Any of this can then be decanted into shallow
containers such as Yoghurt pots. An inch will do. Sink the container
into the soil so that the rim is raised only half an inch or so. This
prevents most of the good critters (who don't climb) from getting in on
the action. Slugs climb in and drown.

Kev Bailey
Vale Of Clwyd, North Wales

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