Ha! Our nearset neighbour is about 3/4mile away.However---I know the actual
siting of the greenhouse probably isn`t the best--but am restricted to
putting it within this smallish plot.There are mature trees (proper trees!!)
about which stop early sun and I`ll lose some late afternon sun--but so
what!! I`ll still enjoy it wont I.
Onto the sleepers.... am I picturing 2 sleepers along the long sides? Or are
they cut and the greenhouse sits on a square of them sort of?
Any pictures?
"Kay Easton" wrote in message
In article , Bob Hobden
All I have to say is don't put it near your Southern boundary because if
do and your neighbour on that side plants a Leylandii hedge and lets it
grow you will end up with a very dark greenhouse. Seen it!
Greenhouses are not beautiful things. Putting it near any boundary is
going to detract from your neighbour's garden, unless they already have
a high fence or hedge.
Kay Easton
Edward's earthworm page: