Go big! As big as you can afford. As RichToyBox says, they shrink... lol. No matter how
big 140 gals. looks, once it is in, you will find it is too small.. (BTDT - an am planning
the 'expansion' and my new EPDM liner pond right now...I, and the wildlife, don't really
care so much for the 'plastic' look of the preform). Trust me, make it as big as you can
now, and save yourself a 'remodeling job' in a year or so!
As for the neighborhood dog, I solved my problem with 1. a call to animal control. (Almost
every urban or suburban area has laws on the books for animals that damage or molest the
property of others) and 2. a printed page showing the price of the destroyed pond liner.
Of course, the kind of people who allow their animals to run at large are usually the kind
who don't understand the concept of "personal responsibility", but at least this prompted
them into getting rid of the destructive dog.
Good luck with the new pond!
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then you may be able to email me.
"Pond Diver" wrote in message
I have always wanted to get into water gardening and ponds. I've always
rented and it never was an option. Now that I own my own home I can finally
do what I've always wanted.
I had a small preformed pond (90gal) that was very successful (proliferation
of fish, vegetation as well as looks). But alas it was in the front yard
and a neighborhood dog thought it was a better swimming hole. Since,
shooting the dog isn't politically correct in suburban America. I'm moving
the pond into the backyard (fenced in of course). The wife knows how much I
loved my pond before and has given me a fairly generous budget. GOD I love
this woman!
I'm not trying to build a lake or anything. And I was considering another
preformed liner in the 140-170 gal range...and perhaps incorporate my other
small pond liner into the mix.
What kind of filter systems ya'll recommend? Pumps? UV or not? The pond
will be in full sunlight from sunrise to sunset.