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Old 27-04-2004, 05:09 PM
Tim Nicholson
Posts: n/a
Default Siting Greenhouse

On Tue, 27 Apr 2004 14:34:54 +0100, "D Russell"

I stuck mine up on a pair of untreate railway sleepers, give an extra 18
inches of head height, add a massive amount of weight=stability to the
greenhouse, you can simply screw directly through the aluminium frame into
the wood. Then I simply built up the ends with more wood.

Seems to be working great, allows you to build a raised bed inside the
greenhouse as well, which is excellent for extra root depth.

I second this approach.....(as it's near enough exactly what I did
earlier this year). Just levelled the ground where the sleepers were
going to lie, put an anti-weed mat over the rest, and covered with 3
inches or so of gravel. All works a treat. And it's easy enough to
plant through the mat if you want something permanent, such as a grape

Good luck in any event.

Tim (remove the spamtrap to reply)