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Old 26-04-2004, 12:21 AM
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Default how to get rid creeping charlie

Brandon Herlein wrote:
what is the best way to get rid of creeping charlie?? i have some in my
front yard but can not get rid of it. i live in iowa. i do the scotts step
program but it will not go away.

I'm in central Iowa. Weed and feed seemed to have no effect on the
creeping charlie. I had a pro spray company come in the first year. Cost
about $100.00 for 3 treatments. They killed it although for the first
month it looked like the creeping charlie was still healthy. Then one
morning I went into the yard to nothing but brown creeping charlie and
bare spots. Raked the creeping charlie carcasses and reseeded the bare
spots. A little weed b gone, spot sprayed, twice a year in a 2 gallon
pressure sprayer and the creeping charlie has been under control for 15
years despite my neighbors refusal to spray his yard. Spring seems to be
the best time to spray creeping charlie.
Also, it seems to help if you keep your grass at 2" or longer. Keeps it
thicker and the weeds can't get a good purchase on the soil.

Yard and Garden Handyman