Briggs & Strattin Flywheel removal
First off, I hope that this is an exceptable thread for this group.
My father-in-laws lawn tractor (MTD) has a 14.5 HP B&S engine with
Long story short, exhaust valve broke off and put a hole in the
piston. I am in the process of removing the engine from the tractor
but I wanted to get the flywheel off while the block was still mounted
in the tractor frame (so it doesn't move around so much}.
The tractor is 8-10 years old and the flywheel is on the crank real
good. I have tried soaking in Kroil for the good part of the day with
no improvement. I have also tried heating the area around the crank
on the flywheel with a heat gun and tapping on the flywheel with a
hammer while having a gear puller applying pulling force on it, didn't
Anyone have any ideas? I am drawing a blank now.
TIA, Ron