Thread: Ladybirds
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Old 18-04-2004, 02:06 PM
Kay Easton
Posts: n/a
Default Ladybirds

In article , Vicky

"Troy" wrote in message
Never seen so many before - they're everywhere. Anyone else noticed this

are they just in my garden :-)

Perhaps it's in response to the awful amount of greenfly. I've just had to
ditch a load of herbs I was about to plant out because they were more
greenfly than plant. I've never seen so many so early. Product of a mild
winter I suppose.

Greenfly have the useful habit of diving for safety when a predator (or
thumb) appears. It means you can pick up the pot hold it over a large
white plate or piece of paper, and sae 80% of them off. They're much
easier to squash on a flat surface. Holding the pot upside down and
washing the plant under a strong stream from the cold tap will get rid
of a lot more. Then inspection of the tips to get rid of any more you ca

Once the plant is in the garden, has hardened up a bit (not so tender
and delicious) and has birds around who eat aphids, they'll be a lot
less of a problem.
Kay Easton

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