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Old 18-04-2004, 12:37 AM
tuin man
Posts: n/a
Default several customers ---------free to good home (add)

"Jaques d'Alltrades" wrote in message
The message
from "tuin man" contains these


"Jaques d'Alltrades" wrote in

The message
from "tuin man" contains these


Oddly enough... absolutely no interest from anyone anywhere so far.

Quite predictable IMO.

But why?
Gardeners in the area concerned have too much work?

Which area? I didn't see one mentioned. (But I could have missed it.)

london and mostly around the N6 & n2 area (highgate, hampstead garden

Those with viable and well-appreciated businesses are not going to
abandon them for a pig in a poke.

I don't quite get what your saying there. If your referring to my customers
then that's exactly what they want to avoid. If they are gardeners who can
absorb some more work, or need to re-fresh their client list, then most of
my customers are very much worth considering. Very much (-:

You are demanding the sort of reassurances that anyone could apply
without uprooting and transplanting.

They seem quite normal to me too.

questions questions questions

Answer, answers, answers.

Look locally (wherever that is) and solicit recommendations rather than

Ah! Yes, been doing that. No luck either. There are those who I would regard
as trust worthy, which is the only real priority, but their not interested.
Mostly because they have too much work and are already getting between 25
and 40 % more. Albeit that their buisness in terms of horticultural know how
and investment in equipment could be compared with a wing on a prayer with a
mower and a blower attached.
nevertheless, I'm dissappointed they're not interested. My customers would
be lucky to have them even if it did cost a bit more and there isn't quite
the same back up of tools to meet all manner of jobs.
I'm not looking forward to telling a few elderly customers about my
departure. It would make things so much easier if I could say, I'm leaving,
but here's tom,/john/ mary, you wont know the difference.
Popping in here is a bit like clutching at straws, but that's where I'm at
with this.
Thanks all the same for your thoughts.
