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Old 13-04-2004, 04:04 PM
Lee B.
Posts: n/a
Default Difference Between a Skimmer and Bio Filter

A skimmer is set at water level to gather floating stuff, like leaves,
before the water is sent on for further filtration. I have bags of netting
in mine to do some of the mechanical filtration, too (like algae removal).
Your bioforce appears to be a combination bioconverter and UV; in other
words, it's where the biobugs live that convert ammonia to nitrIte, then to
nitrAte. The UV part will kill off the small, single celled algae
responsible for green water, and depending on your flow rate and how clean
the sleeve is and how new the bulb, etc. - maybe a few other microbes.

A skimmer is an integral part of a pond's filtration: you can live without
it, but it's much better with it. If you can skim the leaves off the surface
before they saturate and sink to the bottom, keeping the pond clean is a
much easier job.


"Waseem" wrote in message

I have a Bioforce 4500 UVC pond filter , filtering a 1000 L pond

I just wanted to know the difference between this and a Skimmer in
terms of how they work or is a skimmer to "pre-filter" the larger
waste before the filtering?

Also i was thinking of making my own small veggie filter as it seems
like a fun project. Would this be a bad idea to use this in conjuction
with my biofilter

What i was thinking was the water goes through the biofilter and into
the veggie filter then into my waterfall back into the pond.

