Name That Insect
On Mon, 12 Apr 2004 01:21:54 +0100, Jaques d'Alltrades wrote:
The message
from "Janet Bennett" contains
these words:
If they are something that is likely to damage the garden, any tips to
discourage them would be appreciated.
Melolontha melolontha - cockchafer. Will eat roots, especially grass.
They become a coffee-coloured beetle and can often be seen at dusk
flying round lone trees, etc.
They are a pest, but IME they don't do a lot of harm unless they are
present in large numbers.
If you find one, just leave it out for the birds - they'll love you!
....or just bung them in the compost heap. They'll live happily there and
not cause any harm. As you say only a pest in large numbers. The grubs live
in the soil for 5 years before maturing then living a week or two as an
adult beetle.
Tim C.