Will leaves falling in my mulch be a problem?
"lbbs" lbbs @dadffo.ca wrote in message
We have lots of perennial flowers in our flower bed. (12 different
varieties or so- including bushes and roses, 15'x6' aprox garden) My wife
was thinking of putting mulch between the flowers so the weeds would not
grow (easier maintenance). I was not sure if that would be a good idea
for two reasons. 1. when the leave accumulate in the fall time in our
flower bed, it will be difficult to get rid of them (hard to get a rake in
there). With dirt flower bet, what ever you can't rake out, it will
decompose with the rest of the dirt. And if you leave them in with the
mulch, seeds will start growing there next year. 2. will perennial
flowers be able to poke through the mulch every spring time? I always
thought that mulch is more ideal it you have a simple flower bed or around
tree truck. what do yo think? thanks
Leaves rot down to make an excellent mulch. Leaf mould we call it in UK.
Don't worry about the perennials, they'll be back. If You're really worried
about the leaves, grab big handfuls where you can and bag them up to rot
down and go back on the garden later. They can also be sucked up through a
leaf blower/shredder whatever. Some people pile them up and mow the pile.
Some people push them en masse under bushes/shrubs and forget about them.
Whichever method you choose, they will be good stuff.