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Old 11-04-2004, 05:32 PM
Bob H
Posts: n/a
Default pond construction questions.

I have a 5000+ gps pump with a 11/2" outlet, I do have an fitting on the
pump side of the hose that takes it up to 2", as I understand it the larger
hose reduces the friction and increases works for me as I appear
to have great flow at my falls....I can't answer your question about a
bottom drain. as for the liner that comes to $.55 a sq ft. go to a pond
store and buy edpm rubber which is $.60-65 a ft. or go to someplace
( and buy a synthetic for much less per ft. I have
uniguard liner in my 5000 gal pond, I am very happy with it.

"DAN" wrote in message
Hello all,

I have a few questions and hope someone might be able to help.

I have a Beckett pump, forgot the rating, but its outlet is 1.5 inch.
I've read that you need to push the water through 3 inch pipes. So if
I use adapters I can go from 1.5 to 3 inch. Would this be ok for the
pump, would I gain anything from doing this or should I just leave it
at 1.5 inch.

Home Depot sells 20 mil PVC liner. Is this any good. 17x18 for $169
Can I get something better and cheaper.

A pond store guy told me that instead of a bottom drain, I should just
run a pipe to the deepest part of the pond. The end of it would just
be a strainer/grill that prevents fish from getting sucked in. This
way I don't have to put the drain through a liner and worry if it
leaks. Any opinions/advice about this.

Thanks in advance.