Hardening Off questions
"Leslie" wrote in message ...
This is the first year I've started seeds indoor and mostly they're doing
well. I would like to start hardening them off soon since the weather is so
nice and looks like it will stay that way. Even though I'm in zone 5, it's
been getting down to only about 40 at night and in the day it's been
averaging a high of 68-75. This week is expected to get to 80. In another
thread someone said definitely don't start hardening off in zone 5 yet, but
with these temperatures is there any reason not to? Maybe I'm just too
excited to get these little guys outside! :-)
Leslie, zone 5 in the deserts of Eastern WA
If you don't mind hauling things in and out for a few hours in the day
time go for it.
Remember you harden off because the plants have not been exposed to UV
from the sun and wind. So put them in dappled shade and out of the
wind and don't let them dry out badly.
Don't trust the weatherman.