Kaffir lily is an offensive name
"Jaques d'Alltrades" wrote in
message ...
The message
from "David Hill" contains
You really should keep this in mind when you start insulting
people and
calling them names etc as you so often do.
Is it this "momentary feeling of superiority in knowing that
they are
insulting someone " that gives you such a kick?
You so often exhibit a great knowledge of plants, and a great use
reference material in how you answer many questions raised here,
then next
minute you're like a 10 year old in the playground who cant get
their own
way and who dredges up all the insults and foul words they can
think of to
vent their pent up anger.
So why not consider other peoples feelings and practice what you
preaching, and consider peoples feelings in future.
The OP's been in my killfile for a long time so I don't see his
'Kaffir' is a perfectly proper name for several indiginous tribes of
South Africa (inc the Xhosa) and just because the word is abused by
as a blanket term of contempt for any black African it doesn't make
'Kaffir' an offensive word per se. It reflects on the misusers, not
the perceived target, just the same as other abusers of
nationalities/communities/ethnic groups such as Jew, Arab, Bohemian,
French (screwdriver), Dutch (courage) don't make the use of these
nationalities offensive.
It's the intent behind the use of a word which is important, not its
political correctness to well-meaning fools.
If a 'Kaffir lily' were the name for something obnoxious, I would
that it was an offensive name. Since it isn't, I can only assume
the OP is trolling as usual.
Thanks for injecting some good sense into this thread.