Since it's Bonide systemic Houseplant control (That's as close
as I can find
to a label for indoor use) I'll give it a go.
Is it labeled for scale?
Ever try to find little bumps (scale) on a bougie by feel?
No, but if they are there, you should be able to see them if you
make the effort. However, Bougies are one of the most pest-free
plants I know of, and I have never seen scale on them -- inside
(where mine are now -- alas) or out (where I wish mine were now).
If the pest doesn't exist, there's no point dosing it with
poison -- NONE of which were designed to be used on bonsai.
Jim Lewis -
- Tallahassee, FL - Our life is
frittered away by detail . . . . Simplify! Simplify. -- Henry
David Thoreau - Walden
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