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Old 06-04-2004, 10:48 PM
Philippe Gautier
Posts: n/a
Default Always Shady and Damp.

Sacha wrote:
redclay5/4/04 1:06

homer wrote in message
. ..

No that's not how people describe me! Its the state of part of my garden.
What kinds of flowers/shrubs/plants tolerate or even prefer these
conditions? I'm looking for something that's colourful, pretty and can


care of it self (sort of like Wonder Woman!)
It must like wet soil and the occasional glimpse of the sun.


Hi, I have a garden exactly like this here in Edinburgh. 3 quarters of
it have no sun at all and the back corner of it has 1 hour or 2 of sun
in the summer.

I put a link to some pictures he

In the dampest/darker part, I have been very successfully growing:
Astilbes, fatsia Japonica, lungworth, salomon seals, euphorbias,
dicentras, japanese maples, aquileas, etc...

I swear that these plants have never ever seen any sun at all!
