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Old 06-04-2004, 10:26 PM
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Default cooler pad as filter media?

I use the blue furnace filters myself. They are sort of spun fiber and see
through, like a scrub brush. I think they call them hogs hair, but they are
really some sort of fiber not really hogs hair. I get them at the plumbing
store called Naughton's but that is a local store here in Tucson AZ, I
think. "Cooler filters" ? as in swamp coolers used in the dry southwest?
Most of them have some sort of stuff on them to retard mold and I would
check really good to be sure they aren't going to kill your fish. Good Luck
what ever you decide to use. Kathy in AZ
GaneaRowenna wrote in message
After a long winters nap, I am back. I didn't post much last season so you

probably don't remember me, but here I am.
I am so excited for the new season!
I am in the process of building a filter out of a 70 gal stock tank. I

many ideas and have combined them into my own design. I am trying to

out what to use for filter media. The nearest pond store, Lowes, Home

Depot is
2 1/2 hours away, but I found some cooler pad that I think might work. It

blue, called Dura-Cool. It says it does not decay and is non allergenic.

If I
cut this into smaller pieces, will this work?
Thank you so much.


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