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Old 01-04-2004, 09:18 PM
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Default How Clean is Clean?

"Happy'Cam'per" wrote in message
That's obvious, but what about in regards to my pond cleaning?

Harmless Vanilla
As with all things aquatic.....YMMV
I don't even have a pond yet, I'm hanging out here just to learn the lingo
so to speak (and of course i find you all mighty entertaining to say the
least. Doing all my homework before the big plunge.
As far as cleaning goes I think I'm with you on this, a little coating of
algae on the pond liner is a sure sign that the eco system is working, and
besides there are critters that feed on it. I suppose one could be
completely anal about the whole situation to the extent of vacuuming and
removing leaves everyday...NOT. At the end of the day if its pleasing to
YOUR eye then so be it, as long as the water quality is good and clear.

all relative JA? Ok, now back to being bonkers

Zactly. I like the slightly lived in look of my pond. Now if I had a formal
pond, which I'd love to have some day...That I'd keep clean. Hmm...a formal
pond leading up to the walk of the house...Ooohh....
