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Old 29-03-2004, 05:03 PM
Mike Patterson
Posts: n/a
Default Thanks guys - my pond is running!

On 29 Mar 2004 06:27:16 -0800, (Josh) wrote:

There is still SOOO much to do, but the hardest part is over, she's

I've added some dechlorinator and once the water warms up (that bottom
drain & skimmer weir were COLD putting in) I'll get some little
goldfish to start with. I'd like to get some plants then too, water
lettuce and water hycanith like was suggested for me on here.

Eventually I want to get an ivy of some sort to take over the rest of
the bank around the waterfall and various plants around the pond
itself. Obviously I still need a ton more rock, I'm planning to raid
construction sites after dark ;-)

Thanks for everyone who helped me with different parts.

(One very happy first time pond owner)

Congratulations, I just got mine started recently, and already
enjoying it.

Stay away from the construction sites at night, that's asking to spend
an evening explaining to the nice men in uniforms what you're doing
and why it has to be done in the dark.

Just walk up the site during the work day and ask for the foreman,
then oh-so-politely ask if you can have some of the rock. Usually (but
not -always-) they have to pay to have it hauled away, so they are
happy to let you take it.

However, I -have- had a guy say that the owner specifically wanted the
rock, so I couldn't have it. Taking it after dark would have been
stealing in every sense of the word.


Mike Patterson
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